Ct's cannot tell t's to crouch.
Ct's cannot tell t's to crouchwalk.
no play can do anything that will compromise security of another player. (Name, adresse, phone number, steam name, etc.)
Opinion questions are unreasonable and should be banned.
Ct's cannot tell a t to suicide.
Ct's cannot tell a t what LR to do.
Ct's cannot order the last Terrorist if it is time for a LR (Not to be confused with Ordering DURING AN LR. Ct's can tell the terrorist where to play the LR.)
Ct's cannot gun plant.
Ct's can not order another player to give a gun to a prisoner.
Ct's cannot ask questions without an awnser (Retarded games,)
Ct's cannot ask opinionated trivia questions.
Ct's cannot give more than 1 order. This gives confusion (ex. 1 ct yells Pool, the other yells soccer. Half the people die for going to the "wrong place")
Evil Simon says shouldnt be use EVERY SINGLE ROUND.
Random trivia such as "im going to shoot the 4th person in line" is banned and will earn you a slay.
Ct's cannot order a T to use a mic. (to sing, talk, etc.) Forcing someone to use their mic is unreasonable for reasons you sould be able to figure out. (CT's have certain exceptions to give orders)
Ct's cannot play favorites (I.E Telling a single player to go to soccer instead of pool with the rest of the Ts)
Ct's can't tell Ts to Shift+walk, that really slows you down.
CT's cant not order a T to RTV, voteban, votekick... etc